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Meet our Herd!

Zorro’s Crossing is the forever home to 12 magnificent horses. At our sanctuary, these former racehorses are properly cared for, loved unconditionally and kept safe from all harm.
Each of these horses has monthly sponsorship opportunities for loving people like you.


Sponsor a Horse

$200 Per Month - Soul Sponsor 

Soul sponsors receive pictures of their horses weekly, weekly updates and one sanctuary visit per month. 


$450 Per Month - Angel Sponsor 

As an Angel Sponsor you can visit your horse weekly, receive weekly updates on your horse and receive weekly videos and pictures of your horse.


$900 Per Month - Herd Hero 

Our Herd Heroes  provide 100% support for their horses and in return receive unlimited monthly visits, will have their names on a stall, will have their name on our web site, receive weekly updates and pictures and videos if their horses, will have facetime sessions with their horses and will have their names on the Read to Rescues banner for each event. 


Guardian Sponsor

Any amount of money is greatly appreciated and directly helps our horses.  Guardian Sponsors receive monthly updates of your horse. 

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©2022 by Zorro's Crossing. 

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